PoSH Beyond Basics

Our Advanced POSH Proficiency Workshop for IC Members is crafted to elevate Internal Committee members to a level of expertise that surpasses standard expectations. This intensive training module moves beyond traditional approaches, employing a rich blend of collaborative workshops, situational role-play, in-depth case studies, and multimedia presentations to create a truly interactive and reflective learning experience.

Program outline

Each session is tailored to deepen participants’ understanding of the POSH Act’s complexities, blending education with empowerment. This program covers all of the PoSHAware modules and then extends to cover the following finer nuances and procedures of the Act. as per the Supreme Court mandates

Third Party Harassment

Navigate the complexities of dealing with harassment involving external entities and ensure appropriate response measures.

Principles of Natural Justice

Outline the process for Internal Commitee (IC) to be impartial & free from any actual or perceived bias or prejudice

Manner of Investigation

Learn the appropriate conduct and methodology for conducting POSH investigations, maintaining impartiality and professionalism throughout

Preponderance of probabilities

Preponderance of probabilities and its crucial role in the phase of investigations under the POSH Act!

Advanced Investigations

Gather practical tips and strategies to carry out investigations with precision, ensuring the collection of clear and relevant evidence

Framing of Recommendations

Discover how to frame actionable and fair recommendations post-investigation, balancing organizational policies with legal compliance.

Investigation Reporting

Master the skill of drafting clear, concise, and comprehensive investigation reports that accurately reflect the findings and proceedings.

Top 5 Gray areas

Examine the most ambiguous aspects of the POSH Act and learn strategies for addressing these challenges effectively.

Mock Investigation

Engage in a simulated investigation to practice the skills learned, receiving real-time feedback to enhance investigatory techniques.

Total PoSH Compliance

Outline the steps and measures necessary to achieve total compliance with the POSH Act within the organization.

Q&A + Reflection

Encourage participants to consolidate their understanding through questions and discussion, applying the insights gained to their roles within the organization.

Why join this program?

A cornerstone of this advanced IC member workshop is the mock investigation activity—an experiential learning exercise that places participants in the throes of a realistic investigation scenario. This hands-on component is designed to simulate the intricacies of real-world case handling, providing IC members with the opportunity to apply their knowledge in a controlled, yet challenging environment. The mock investigation offers real-time feedback, allowing participants to fine-tune their approach and decision-making skills.

By integrating this practical exercise, we ensure that upon completion of the workshop, IC members are not just informed but are also practiced and prepared to navigate the demands of their role effectively. They will emerge as proficient, confident advocates for workplace safety, equipped with the knowledge and skills to guide their organizations toward total POSH compliance with dedication and integrity.

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